

# coding=utf-8
import sqlite3

def testBakSqlite():
    conn = sqlite3.connect("sqlite_db_mine/testDB.db")
    with open('testDB.sql.bak','w') as f:
        for line in conn.iterdump():
            data = line + '\n'
            data = data.encode("utf-8")





You can copy only the single table in an in memory db:

import sqlite3

def getTableDump(db_file, table_to_dump):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')    
    cu = conn.cursor()
    cu.execute("attach database '" + db_file + "' as attached_db")
    cu.execute("select sql from attached_db.sqlite_master "
               "where type='table' and name='" + table_to_dump + "'")
    sql_create_table = cu.fetchone()[0]
    cu.execute("insert into " + table_to_dump +
               " select * from attached_db." + table_to_dump)
    cu.execute("detach database attached_db")
    return "\n".join(conn.iterdump())

TABLE_TO_DUMP = 'table_to_dump'
DB_FILE = 'db_file'

print getTableDump(DB_FILE, TABLE_TO_DUMP)

Pro: Simplicity and reliability: you don't have to re-write any library method, and you are more assured that the code is compatible with future versions of the sqlite3 module.

Con: You need to load the whole table in memory, which may or may not be a big deal depending on how big the table is, and how much memory is available.

posted @ 2016-10-20 20:19  匡子语  阅读(1632)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报